Monday, February 11, 2013

Another Talk with God... June 2007

Ok I've been doing a lot of 'talking to God' lately… some might call it prayer- but it's actually been more like conversations… ya know?? A lot of things have been happening in my life- good, bad, both~~ some that are bad at the time they happen, but are supposed to be good in the long run~ and some that were good when they happened, turned out to be bad… but one thing I've been talking to Him a lot about lately has been love…not just romantic love but love in general… friends, family and yeah of course romantic love- how to know if it's real~~ He keeps directing me to the same scripture 1 Corinthians 13:4-8… and last night we kind of looked more into it… yes WE looked into it deeper~~ so I'm going to share what God taught me… He took something simple and broke it down even more for my 'kindergarten' heart (and mind) to grasp a bit quicker… It went something like this…
(KEEP IN MIND- as I have said before- MY GOD has a sense of humor- I mean He has to- He's dealing with Me~~)
"Ok Shonda, what is it you don't get about what love really means??"

"Well… I get the feelings and all but maybe I'm just not getting the deeper meaning of it… cause I always seem to be messing it up somehow… maybe I think it's one thing and it's another??"

"Well I gave you a pretty concise definition~ do we have to make it even more simple for you?? I mean you're HOW old now?? Do I have to do the Love for Dummies Version??"


"OK… Lets take this one statement at a time- will that help?? And this time child, take notes… PLEASE!!!"

"Alright, alright… I'll take notes and maybe it'll sink in… (biting my lip) MAYBE???"

"We'll see… Ok let's get started… Love is PATIENT… you do understand what I mean by that don't you??

"Uhhhh, yeah sure… love doesn't rush into things…right?"

"Yeah, true love doesn't rush into things… hmmm- she says she gets it but will she remember it next time?? (Shaking His head) True love takes it's time getting to know someone, their past, their present, their family…etc~ not just jumping on that feeling you get when your stomach turns and your heart flips~~ I gave you those feelings to feel too, but I also gave you the knowledge to discern the difference between those 'feelings' which I believe you've learned fade in time~ and the feelings true love gives you… peace, contentment, joy, fulfillment… are you writing this down??"

"Oh yeah… writing it down. Peace, joy… Got it…"

"Next, love is Kind.  This is simple- LOVE doesn't do things to hurt you… not even in teasing. Love goes out of it's way to make sure you're not hurt~~ even little gestures of kindness are appreciated, right??"

"Yes, that's true… I'd prefer small gestures of kindness any day…I really do understand that concept- you know I'm all about being kind to someone special in my life…"

"Yes I know… sometimes tooooo kind to them—but we'll discuss that some other time! Ok you seem to understand that one, next…. Love does not envy…"

"Oh… I have a problem with that…"

"Yes I know you do… but TRUE love does not have room for envy~~ true love trusts the person they are with so much they are not jealous of anyone around them ~~ they are secure in their place in that persons life~~ does this make sense to you sweetheart?? This is a point we need to work on I want you to understand this one… true love does not need to be over protective and jealous… okay?? This goes for both parties involved."

"Yes, I understand… if it's real love I won't feel the need to be jealous any more… I'm learning Father…"

"Ok… Ready for the next one?? Still taking notes??"

"Yes, I'm taking notes… I'm ready."

"Love does not boast, it is not proud… I'm not saying not to be proud of the love of your life… but love doesn't need to be praised all the time- when something is done in love it doesn't need to be acknowledged constantly… it's done out of love, not for affirmation~~ making sense for you?? "

"Yes I get that… I'm still thinking about the envy and jealousy part…sorry…"

"I knew that one would be hard for you… it's ok… but lets go on- you can go back to that yourself later, okay???"

"Ok…what's next?"

"Love is not rude… not saying rude things won't happen, I mean you're human after all and I have to admit sometimes that pull my finger joke still makes even me laugh… anyhow… Back to our lesson… I mean love won't be RUDE and hateful… it won't interrupt what's important and be pushy, controlling or overbearing… know what I'm saying here?? Shonda… you're not still stuck on that jealousy thing are you??"

"No, I was picturing you laughing at the pull my finger joke… not something I thought of before now… oooook… anyhow… not controlling… oh, understand that one~ what's next God???"

"You'll appreciate this… LOVE is not self seeking… know what that means??"

"Love does for the other person??"

"Right…love doesn't again, look for accolades and praises… it's looking out for the other persons well being and their needs first… it's when you put someone else's needs before your own… I think you've got a hang of that- again; we'll discuss how much of that you understand later… okay?? Don't get hung up on it right now…"

"OK, OK… I know, I know… I do it too much~~ I have a mom here on earth that tells me that- I don't need you to tell me that too… she does a good job of it ya know, you trained her well…"

"Good, I put her there to guide you and help you~~ Now, let's keep going…ok?"

"Ok, this is helping… I AM taking notes I PROMISE!!!"

"Pay close attention to this one my redheaded Irish Princess… LOVE is not easily angered… uhhmmm… not easily angered—did you hear me?? Why are you looking away??"

"Oh I heard you… I am not looking away… "

"You can't lie to me… HELLLLLO who are you talking too??? I know why you were looking away… I know about your temper and how it can be sparked quickly if something doesn't go your way… even against the man you love~ even against the man you would give anything for~ but remember my child LOVE does not anger easily… "

"Yes Father, I understand… I'll work on that one too!! "

"Love keeps no record of wrongs… so there's no going back after a disagreement and saying 'you did this or that… or what about when you….' What that hand on your hip and your finger wagging, head rolling… love forgives and lets it go~~ it's the ultimate in forgiveness… "

"Oh wow, yeah you got that stance down there… seen me do that a time or two huh?? Uhmmm guess not much else I can say about that, huh?? But what about when you've really been hurt?? I'm just supposed to forgive and forget??"

"Shony do you really want to talk about being REALLLLLLY hurt?? What about all the times my children have done ALL those things I begged them not to do, but I have forgiven them and forgotten about it… have I not??? Baby girl, I promise if I can forgive my children for all the sins they commit, you can forgive a couple of men for some STUPID mistakes and believe me they were STUPID MEN and STUPID mistakes!! (God is SO on my side!!!) "

"Ok I see your point… and I'm doing much better with that as I'm getting older… aren't I???"

"Yes baby you are, you are…  we're almost done here—you ready to go on?"

"Yeah, let's finish this lesson up… I can already see I have a lot to pay attention to next time… huh??"

"Yep, ya sure do… ok next up… Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth~~ REJOICES with the truth… love doesn't hide things, it doesn't tell lies- not even little ones, it doesn't omit facts~~ love is open, honest and truthful- even if it hurts a little… when it happens... see what I'm trying to tell you here?? Love doesn't cover up things to make them look better… HELLLOOOO you listening??"

"Of course I'm listening… and I know exactly what you're talking about- trust me next time I'll clue in and heed the red flags… "

"You'd better, because honey- as much as I enjoy our talks- we seem to be discussing the same things over, and over, and OVER again… when will you get it through your thick skull?? Wait, I know the answer to that already—but I'm not telling YOU~ that drives you crazy… anyhow, I think we're about ready to wrap this up… okay?"

"Sure thing… I'm anxious to put this into practice ya know…"

"Uh… Shony—did you take notes??  Read the very first thing… love is what?? PATIENT!!!!!!!! As you must be also!!!!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah… is that it??"
"No… Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. I think you understand those concepts but you need to realize it's a two way street… you deserve to expect the same in return, okay… and don't forget… Love never fails… You humans fail love sometimes… but true love never fails… Does this make sense?? Do you see what I've been trying to teach you all along?? It's not LOVE that hasn't been working for you?? Its just humans have a way of messing it up… but you KNOW that there is always an UNCONDITIONAL love for you with ME right?? Nothing you do can take that away… EVER~~ now I want you to take the notes you have, study them, learn from them and APPLY THEM… no more jumping feet first- okay?? Remember this lesson and if you need a refresher- if you feel like things are going to fast or something is off and just doesn't feel right- don't just go along with it AGAIN- come to me- we'll talk it over and I'll help you figure it out—OKAY sweetheart?? That's what I'm here for…"
"Ok… I promise the next time I won't be so quick and hasty to make decisions- and I will talk to you~ I've learned my lesson, this isn't something I can do on my own… for Love to work… I need you to help me.  Thank you for breaking this down for me… and for repeating it again, and again… when did you say it was going to sink in??? "
"Don't go there… I don't want to have to smack you upside the head AGAIN!!!"
"Ok. But how about a big GOD hug instead???"
"THAT we can do…come here!!!"

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV) Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.

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