Monday, February 11, 2013

Patience... April 11, 2007

This was written exactly ONE YEAR to the day before I got the call to take the beautiful boy I now call Monkey... Patience paid off!! 

Gosh, I will admit I have the patience level of a flea… little to NONE~~ I am the anxious type… I want what I want, when I want it and that's NOW!!!  However this way of thinking hasn't exactly been helpful in the past nor is it helpful in this particular time of my life.

I've always been in a hurry for everything- even as an infant- I potty-trained myself (YES, myself) when I was 9-10 months old, I did the same thing when it came to weaning myself- no way did I want a bottle- I wanted a cup! (Again at 9-10 months old) And crawl?? NO way I was going to walk when I was 10 months old… so as you see, I started out in a hurry to get what I wanted.

So what about as an adult?? Can we say impulsive?? I buy things quickly- even a house actually- made up my mind to buy a house and w/in 6 weeks I was moved in!! Don't get me wrong I LOVE my house, but I did do it awful quickly!

I tend to do this w/relationships too… I want it all up front- I haven't learned how to take it one day at a time and just enjoy getting to know someone.  I think part of it is I'm afraid if I don't hurry things, they'll disappear-however, I know it's been my impatience that has ruined many a promising situation…

I just read this and think it might sum up some of my 'issues with patience'….Many times impatience is just a reflection of our own self-centeredness in response to life's disappointments.  GOSH how that suits me perfectly. Something for me to ponder!!  So I'm taking a step back and breathing... relaxing and letting go of the wheel for a change.  and working on the Patience thing.

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