I had some time to just reflect this afternoon and got to thinking... (can be dangerous sometimes...) Just got to thinking what is it about relationships that makes it so difficult?? Not just mine but several around me that include the people that are dearest to me... it's like if you have to put forth some effort it's easier to just either give up or break up... By giving up, I mean just sticking around but not progressing. Just stuck in a 'rut' so to speak...
Maybe it's just me but I thought relationships were about working together... working things out-- an EFFORT and that they were 100/100... no 50/50 crap!! Each partner has to put forth 100% all the time. Otherwise, it's not an equal partnership~
So with that in mind, why is it (AND THIS IS FROM MY PERSPECTIVE AS A WOMAN~~ MEN FEEL FREE TO CHIME IN W/YOUR EXPERIENCE!!!!) Why is it~ then when 'she' needs some extra attention some 'pampering' for lack of a better word~ for what ever reason, maybe stress in her life, hormones or just something she simply can't explain... 'he' tends to get funny about it, quiet- needs time away,etc. ?? But heaven forbid he be stressed or upset... men expect to be pampered and babied...coddled if you will in their time of 'need'.. and it can go on 'unexplained' for days, weeks even. And as women, we're supposed to put forth as much effort as necessary to keep things going?? But they don't want to have to put forth nearly as much energy to make sure we're ok... I don't understand... how is that an equal trade off??
I guess I just want a man who understands that I'm not always perfect, sometimes I do have bad days, sometimes they come a week at a time- it might be work related, it might be family stress, it might actually be my hormones... and sometimes-- yeah I can't explain why I get a little 'off balance'... but it's those times I really need to know that my 'man' is just that a MAN and he's STRONG ENOUGH to handle it. That he realizes I need a little extra love and attention and that the 'mood' won't last long... and he should know too, that when he has problems I'm there for him to support him, show him that extra love and attention he needs. I want a man who doesn't expect me to be perfect all the time, who will take me just like I am... the good, the bad and the not so perfect~~ and I will do the same. Anyhow... I guess that's enough blathering for the evening... I just had that on my mind~~

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